This summer we knew that it was the only time we would have lots of time to work on the nursery. So Jeff worked on the nursery. So we made the decision to move the study to the front room and the room next room the master is to be the nursery. It’s also further from the living room so that it will be quieter. You know that one thing leads to another. We needed to move the stuff out of the front room, to some where, so most of it went into the garage. Then Jeff cleaned and organized the garage. It’s not done yet but well on its way. The nursery is almost done, just a few things to finish up. Here are some pictures of the progress. I unfortunaly don't have a picture of what it started like.
Doug helping Jeff prime the walls.
Priming done, are these the colors we want?
Painting in progress.
Walls all painted.
Look a new floor.
Here is the border that we are going to be putting up.