Friday, November 6, 2009

William Heads Home!!!

We are firmly in the midst of what everyone has told us would happen. Sllleeeeppppp...nnnnneeeedddd ssssllllleeeeeeeeeepppppp.... We have been home from the hospital on Friday, October 30. We have been very glad to be home with our little gift from God and VERY happy to have both Grandmas here helping out. Diane and Trish have been alternating spending the night at our house to help out the new parents get at least some sleep when Will decides he just wants to be awake in the wee hours of the morning.

Pam is recovering nicely from the C-Section. She has always been a fast healer and she is showing it now. Of course we've been very good at making sure she is taking it easy around the house. The Grandmas have been a lot of help with that as well.

I have posted some pictures from bringing William home through this last weekend. Which I guess is only 3 days. Can you guess we are taking a few pictures around here right now?

William dressed in his "Going Home" Pooh outfit. For those that haven't seen it we have gone with a Winnie the Pooh theme for William's nursery. We figured it would be good for either a boy or girl.

Will asleep in his car seat on the way home from the hospital. So far, after 3 or 4 car trips, it seems that Will might be a good in the car sleeper. That would make car trips much easier.

This was the scene Pam and I arrived home to. Thanks to the Grandma Schade for the welcome home decorations :-)

We spent Halloween Night at home watching the Texas vs. Oklahoma St. football game. Hook'em Horns!!! Will has received several UT outfits along with some Western Michigan University. This is him on Grandma McBride's lap watching the UT win Saturday night. He pretty much summed up the game, UT played so well the game was pretty much a sleeper.

We remain very happy how Lizzie and Logos are handling the new arrival. Lizzie has been spending a lot of time on the bed with Pam while she is nursing. Will's arrival seems to have kicked in her "mothering" nature. Logos is continuing to be very curious of Will and is also hanging around him, especially when Pam is with him.

Logos is all about the food, even when it's not him getting fed. We had to supplement Will's nursing over the weekend until he got the nursing thing down and Pam's milk supply came in. He lost a little more weight the first couple of days than the doctor liked. All is good now and he is almost back up to his birth weight. Doc says he's doing great.

All right, this one isn't Will. This is Ellie. She is the daughter of Pam's cousin who lives in Houston. Can you believe she is a six month old who is awaiting heart surgery? She is doing great. Here she is testing out Will's new chair that Grandma Schade had just put together. Will was napping at the time.

Pam and her cousin Dana last Sunday night. Dana, her husband Andrew and their two kids, Caden and Ellie, came up from Houston last Sunday. Andrew covers the Houston Aeros hockey team for the Houston Chronicle and they played the Texas Stars in Cedar Park on Sunday. Andrew, Caden, Grandpa Schade and Doug went to the hockey game while the rest of us were hanging out at the house. It was great to see them and have the Mom's spend some time together.

Tuesday was Election Day. It was just a bunch of Constitutional Amendment proposals on the ballot (The Texas Constitution has been amended some crazy 400+ times since 1877) but I (Jeff) couldn't resist the chance to introduce Will to the democratic process. He slept through the whole thing of course but came home with a souvenir "I Voted" sticker that I slightly modified for him. It's now in his baby book.

Will checking out his Grandpa Schade. I'm not exactly sure what was going through his mind at this moment but the picture is classic Will.

Will's first bath at home. He loves getting his head and hair washed but not so much the rest of him. We caught him in a pretty quiet moment here.

And of course a picture of Will in one the many "First Halloween" outfits he received. When you're due date is October 20th you end up with multiple Halloween outfits to choose from. Oddly enough, he was wearing this one on Sunday, the day after Halloween.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful stuff! Matthew is a good car sleeper, too, most of the time. His longest trip to date was to Grass Lake (just east of Jackson) which was about two hours. We made it, only having to stop once for a diaper change. How blessed that both sets of grandparents could be with you now. Ryan's parents still haven't seen Matthew in person yet, but his mom is coming the first week of December from Reno (his dad is on chemo and can't travel right now) and his sister will be here for Thanksgiving. My parents are more than making up for it by seeing him at least once a week. :)
