Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Will's base running

We have always had a good time going to the ballpark here in town. Included in the "Jounior Slugger" Kid's Pack this season were select opertunites to run the basses after games. This was after the last game of the season. It was the 3rd or 4th time he has run the basses. The first time I had to run with him, the second time Jeff ran with him. The previous times he has run them by himself.  

Oh, how fast he is going up. It is bitter sweet for me. Excited that he is doing things by himself and sad that he is not my baby any more.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

California Vacation 2013

This is probably too much to share in one post but wanted to get the pictures out. I will tell more stories later.

California Vacation 2013 Pictures